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#58 - SHTF Threat Level Has Been Raised

Due to the increased tensions concerning Syria I have decided to raise our SHTF Threat Level to HIGH.

AMMRON has also decided to raise their AmCON communications condition to Level-3.

The AMMRON announcement is shown below:

//All Stations// Due to increased tensions and the maneuvering of military assets by multiple nations in and around Syria, we are raising the AmCON to Level 3. This increase in AmCON is to increase awareness of an increased probability of an event which could disrupt conventional communications. We will continue to monitor the situation. At this time, no immediate action is called for beyond the general guidance outlined for AmCON 3. More guidance will be forthcoming and will be posted on We will continue to evaluate and assess. The Staff, AmRRON

Please be vigilant and stay tuned for updates as they become available.


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