RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Feb 17, 20192 min read
#88 - Forming A New CERT Team
As one of the designated Block Captains of the Newtown Neighborhood Security Watch, I initiated discussions about forming a new Community...
RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Feb 15, 20194 min read
#87 - Just What Is Offensive Language Regarding Amateur Radio?
I often hear comments about "offensive language" being banned on amateur radio, but no one can ever say exactly what such "offensive...
RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Feb 7, 20195 min read
#86 - Police Are Putting Your Identity At Risk of Being Stolen.
Over the last several years you keep hearing again and again how important it is to protect your identity otherwise someone may steal...