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# 17 - It's Almost Exam Time

The past few weeks have gone by so quickly. The last session of my technician license class was this past Monday night. The class started out with 6 students, and by the last session I was the only student remaining.

I had planned on studying for all three license exams at the same time, technician, general, and amateur extra, however the instructor of the class advised me to only concentrate on the technician exam and not worry about studying for the others.

Unfortunately, I did follow his advice and have only been studying for the technician exam for the past couple months.

I have taken four online practice exams for the technician class license exam and received scores of 94%, 91%, 91%, and 100%.

Unfortunately, by following the advice I was given I spent way too much time concentrating on the technician license materials so that I no longer have time to prepare for the general and amateur extra license exams.

This week I have decided not to continue following this advice and have begun studying for the general license exam exclusively for the past few days. I decided to take a couple practice exams today for the general license to judge my progress and on my first two attempts I made an 82% and a 91% on them. Better than I expected, but not well enough yet for me to be confident in passing the actual exam.

Today and tomorrow I will concentrate on studying for the general license exam. On Monday I will study for both the technician and general exams throughout the day and then attempt to take both exams Monday evening.

I had hoped to attempt all three exams at the same exam sitting, but there is no way now that I can cram in that much information so quickly. If I am successful in passing both the technician and general license exams on Monday I will start studying for the amateur extra exam which I will try to take next month.


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Coming Episodes:

In upcoming episodes we will take a look at Morse Code, Antennas, Handheld UHF/VHF Radios,, and Mobile UHF/VHF Radios.

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