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# 19 - It's Celebration Time!

Ok, I just got home and wanted to post a quick update.

I took both the Technician and General level amateur radio license exams tonight and I was able to pass both exams with flying colors.

On the Technician exam, I made a perfect score of 100%. On the General exam, I was not as fortunate. I missed one question because I marked the wrong answer by mistake so I only ended up with a 97% on that one.

Here is my CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) for both the Technician and General level exams.

Now I just have to wait for about a week and a half for the Federal Communications Commission to issue my amateur radio callsign and then I can get back on the air.

I guess I will find out then if they will issue a brand new callsign, or they reissue my old callsign from 30 years ago. I checked the database and fortunately my old callsign is still available.

I am going to take tonight off to finally relax, then tomorrow start studying for the Amateur Extra level exam.

Amateur Extra is the highest level of licensing available for ham radio operators. Once I have that level license I will be able to operate on all of the amateur radio frequencies.

I have not decided when I will take the Amateur Extra exam yet, but I am thinking about waiting until next year to give me enough time to really study for that one.

That written exam is 50 questions that come from a pool of over 500 questions, so it will be extremely difficult to try to cram for that one. I think I will take my time studying for that exam so I will hopefully be more relaxed when I take it.

So, for now at least, I am a General class licensed amateur radio operator.


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Coming Episodes:

In upcoming episodes we will take a look at Morse Code, Antennas, Handheld UHF/VHF Radios,, and Mobile UHF/VHF Radios.

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